Cancellation policy

Purchase cancellation rights
You can cancel your purchase within 14 days in written form (letter or email), without giving any reason, or – if the goods have been delivered to you within that period – by simply returning the goods. The 14-day period begins after receiving this notice in writing, however, not before the goods have been received by the recipient and not before we have fulfilled our obligations to provide this information according to article 246, § 2 in connection with § 1, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the EGBGB (Introductory Act to Federal German Civil Law), as well as our obligations according to § 312g, paragraph 1, clause 1 of the BGB (Federal German Civil Law) in connection with article 246, § 3 of the EGBGB. The cancellation period shall be deemed to be observed if notice of cancellation is given or the goods are returned within the 14 day period. Please address your cancellation to:

audiowerkstatt UG (limited liability)
Weserstr. 78
12059 Berlin

0049 30 68058222

Consequences of cancellation
When a purchase has been effectively cancelled, any goods or payments received by either party are to be returned and any benefits that may have been obtained (e.g. interest) are to be repaid. If you are partly or wholly unable to return the goods and benefits (e.g. from use) to us or only in a deteriorated condition, you must compensate us accordingly. You will not be required to compensate for any lost value due to the deterioration of the goods and for derived benefits insofar as said use and deterioration can be attributed to the inspection of the properties and the operational capability of the goods. “Inspection of the properties and operational capability” means the testing and trying out of the respective goods as is possible and customary in, for example, a retail store. Goods which can be shipped as parcels are returned at our risk. Returning the goods to us is free of charge for you. We will collect any goods which cannot be shipped as parcels. Any obligations to reimburse payments must be met within 30 days. This period begins for you when you send either your notification of cancellation or the goods, and for us upon receipt.